Yoga Instructors

Affordable, quality web-design for Yoga Instructors!

Responsive Design

Impress your clients on desktop, tablet, and mobile. All sites are optimized for mobile design, where over 50% of your clients are bound to find out (Statista 2020).


All sites purchased through me come with their own editing platform, where you and your team can make updates, posts blogs, update products, and more! This feature allows for great collaboration between my clients and I.

Book Appointments

Easily allow your clients too book, and pay, for their appointments on your own site!

Get More Clients!

I can help you rank on Google search, book appointments, collect payments, and more!

Search on Google for yoga instructors near you and see the results. That is our competition!

Focus your time on your clients and leave your website to me. I can’t wait to see what we can create together!
Personalize your website for each visitor.

Power Up With Personalization

Drive more conversions and sales with website personalization. 

Boost your engagement with a site that features customized ads and unique experiences triggered by date, time, and visitor location.

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Your Design Platform

Take control of your brand with my powerful editing platform! Make your own edits, or send me your recommendations!

Many times, the biggest challenge when creating your vision is communication.

With the comments tool, you can drop comments anywhere on the site, big or small, to make sure your vision is being met. That way we are always on the same page when creating and managing your site!

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A better way to engage your customers

Free SSL

Give your clients peace of mind with your secure website, all including "https" in the browser.

Powerful Hosting

All sites are packed by Amazon Web Services (AWS), with a 99.99% uptime!

Friendly Support

When you work with me, we work as a team!

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